The Best Off-Road Hoverboard


Hoverboards took the world by storm a few years ago when everyone embraced them – from kids playing in driveways to urban commuters. These classic hoverboards were designed to be used on smooth, paved surfaces such as roads or sidewalks, and for a while, this was enough, but it soon became clear that some customers wanted more out of their hoverboards. People wanted to ride their boards on surfaces such as grass, dirt, or gravel, so the off-road, or all-terrain, hoverboard was born. These hoverboards are specially designed to tackle rougher terrain, and some can even handle outdoor trails.

Xprit 8.5 All Teraain Off-Road Hoverbaord

Xprit 8.5” All Terrain Off-Road Hoverboard

It’s a great all-around option, with a dual 250-watt motor that gives you 500 total watts of power when you’re riding. The motor can achieve a top speed of 6 miles per hour and handle hills with an incline of 15 degrees.

Recommended Age for Off-Road Hoverboards

Manufacturers will often give a recommended minimum age for their products. Still, when determining if an off-road hoverboard is appropriate for your child, you also need to consider your child. For example, the manufacturer might suggest that the hoverboard is for ages eight and up. Still, a six or seven-year-old who is physically very coordinated and has a good sense of balance is likely to be able to handle it. 

At the same time, there may be some eight-year-olds who are not yet ready to ride an off-road hoverboard safely. It can sometimes take a while to get the hang of riding a hoverboard, so if your child is easily frustrated, you might want to hold off on the purchase until you are sure their physical abilities will be able to handle it.

It’s also crucial to consider your child’s size when determining if they are old enough to safely ride a hoverboard. Most parents know that hoverboards will have a declared maximum weight – the most weight that the board can safely transport without damaging the outer shell or lessening the battery life. But what you may not be aware of is that all hoverboards also have a minimum weight requirement. 

This minimum weight is typically 44 pounds, about the 50th percentile for a six-year-old. Children who weigh less than 44 pounds will face challenges when riding a hoverboard because most hoverboard models will struggle to detect their weight. If you have a child older than the minimum age given by the manufacturer, but they weigh less than or close to 44 pounds, they might struggle to ride the hoverboard. It may be best to wait a year or two to allow them to grow a bit more before giving a hoverboard a try, so they can fully enjoy the experience.

What Makes a Hoverboard Suitable for Off-Roading?

Most hoverboards are designed for flat surfaces indoors or on smooth pavement – on roads, sidewalks, or paved pathways. If you’re looking for a hoverboard that you can ride over a variety of terrain, there are a few features that you need to look for.

  • Tires. Hoverboards designed for off-roading will have wider, rugged pneumatic tires of at least 8 inches. Some off-road hoverboards even have 10-inch wheels, which are very sturdy and typically hold the most weight. If a hoverboard has rubber wheels with a diameter of 6.5 inches, this will tell you they are made for use on flat surfaces only. The larger, wider wheels of the off-road hoverboard mean that the board will be more stable on uneven surfaces and can travel with ease over various surfaces. The material of the tires will also differ. Off-road hoverboards have bigger treads for more traction and are often made of harder rubber that moves better over bumpy ground.
  • Motor. A standard hoverboard might have a motor of around 300 watts, which is enough because the board is built to travel on flat surfaces. However, an all-terrain hoverboard will need more power to travel over rough terrain, so a stronger motor is required. Typically, an all-terrain hoverboard will have a motor of at least 500 watts, usually in the form of a double motor, with each motor being at least 250 watts. There are boards with even bigger motor wattage – some have up to 800 watts! – but in general, you should look for no less than 500 watts in your off-road hoverboard.
  • Battery. If you’ve already got bigger, heavier tires and a bigger, heavier motor, you’re going to need a bigger, more powerful battery to support it all. Check the battery’s range, which will let you know how far it can travel before being recharged. These days, most hoverboard batteries range between 7 and 15 miles. If you’re planning to take your hoverboard offroading on long trips, make sure your chosen board’s battery is on the higher end of the range. The bigger motor on the all-terrain hoverboard will drain the battery more quickly and typically result in longer charging times.

What are The Different Types of Hoverboards? 

Hoverboards are an up-and-coming mode of active transportation with a lot of current innovation going on, so it’s easy to get confused by the variety available. Here’s a quick overview of the main types you’ll see for sale – classic medium and small wheel hoverboards, off-road hoverboards, and one-wheel hoverboards.

Classic hoverboards, with medium-sized wheels made of hard rubber, are the most common type of hoverboard you’re likely to find. They typically have 6.5 or 8-inch wheels and are intended to be ridden on even, paved surfaces such as sidewalks, roads, or paved paths, and can usually handle traveling at a slight incline. Some of them have cool extra features such as built-in Bluetooth speakers so you can listen to music as you ride along.

There are also one-wheel hoverboards that look as cool as they sound. Less common than the other types you would typically see, these boards have one wheel in the middle of the device and are easy to maneuver. They work well for riders who have experience with skateboarding or snowboarding because the motion of shifting your weight to turn is similar – all you need to do is lean in whichever direction you want to control the board. One-wheel hoverboards are designed strictly for paved roads, as the single wheel won’t work well on gravel or dirt.

If you’re planning to travel over loose dirt or gravel, you’re going to want an all-terrain or off-road hoverboard. As described above, these hoverboards are designed with wide tires with thick treads to easily travel over uneven terrain. They have more powerful motors to get you going, too, and tend to have more powerful batteries. One drawback to off-road hoverboards is that their batteries can drain more quickly than hoverboard models made for paved surfaces because they have bigger motors.

Features to Look For Buying an Off-Road Hoverboard

What is the Hoverboard’s Motor Power?

The power of the motor will vary from model to model. A classic hoverboard, intended to be ridden only on paved surfaces such as sidewalks or roads, will typically have a motor with somewhere between 250 and 350-watt power. On the other hand, off-road hoverboards usually have bigger motors because they need more power to maneuver over rougher terrain. The bigger the wheels on the hoverboard and the higher the weight limit, the more power you need in your motor. The off-road hoverboard with the highest motor power on our list is the Gyroor Warrior 8.5” All Terrain Off Road Hoverboard, at 700 watts. The other hoverboards on our list range from 300 and 500-watt motors.

What is the Speed and Hill Grade Rating?

The speed and hill grade rating will depend largely on how powerful the motor of your off-road hoverboard is. The more powerful your motor, the faster you will be able to go, and the hills you can tackle will be steeper. A rating of 10 degrees means that your hoverboard can successfully go up hills with a grade of 10 degrees, which is a very gentle slope. The highest hill grade rating on our list of off terrain hoverboards is the Gyroor Warrior, which can go up hills with 30-degree inclines.

Are there Safety Features Included?

Off-road hoverboards will often have several safety features built-in. LED headlights are commonly found on these boards, so they are clearly visible if ridden after dark. All hoverboards have self-balancing features, which will help riders stay up even if they are complete beginners. When it comes to the electrical side of things, check to verify that your chosen hoverboard is UL2272 compliant. This means it meets the latest safety standards (see below for more information).

The only safety features necessary but must be purchased separately are equipment such as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Riders must wear a helmet at all times when riding a hoverboard.

What Material is it Made out of?

Many off-road hoverboards are made out of aluminum alloy and plastic. Certain materials are more durable than others – plastic, in particular, can degrade and crack over time – so read the description of the model you’ve chosen carefully to make sure it is made out of materials that will last for a long time.

What does the Weight Limit Mean?

The manufacturer will determine the weight limit of your hoverboard, and it will depend on a few things. The motor, battery, and wheel size will affect how much weight the hoverboard will handle. While it is not a strict limit – if you are a few pounds over the stated weight limit, the hoverboard will still work – it does mean that the hoverboard will not perform as well as it might otherwise. 

For example, if the stated top speed is 6 miles per hour and the manufacturer says the hoverboard will last an hour on one charge, you might only be riding for half an hour at a lower speed if you are over the weight limit. It’s also possible that over time, the materials of the hoverboard could begin to crack or break down.

What about the Battery, its Range, and its Charging Time?

Off-road hoverboards tend to have bigger, heavier motors than their classic counterparts, along with bigger, heavier tires. As a result, they also tend to have bigger, heavier batteries. Most of the models on our list of the best off-road hoverboards have batteries capable of lasting up to 1 hour, or 6 miles of travel, on a single charge. If you’re planning to take your hoverboard offroading on long trips, make sure your chosen board’s battery will last the entire distance of your trip. 

The bigger motor on the all-terrain hoverboard can drain the battery more quickly, and batteries can also drain more rapidly if the weight on the hoverboard exceeds the manufacturer’s stated maximum capacity. Don’t forget that it’s not just the person’s weight but also the weight of additional items such as a backpack or a go-kart attachment.

Ensure that the battery and charging system on your off-road hoverboard meets all of the latest safety standards. Previously, the safety standard to be met was UL1642 certification, which only checked on battery safety. The new safety standard checks the battery, charger system, and electrical drive train system combinations and is known as UL2272. Don’t purchase a hoverboard if its battery and charger system do not adhere to the current safety standards.

What Kind of Wheels do you Need?

One of the biggest differences between an off-road hoverboard and a classic hoverboard is the construction of the wheels. Classic hoverboards, intended to be used either outdoors or indoors on smooth surfaces such as sidewalks or pavement, will typically have smaller wheels made out of hard rubber. If you’re looking for a hoverboard that can travel with ease over loose soil, gravel, grass, or other bumpy terrains, you’re going to need something tougher.

Off-road hoverboards have wider, larger pneumatic tires with deep treads. You will want at least 8-inch tires, but there are also 10-inch models available, which are even larger and can hold a higher maximum weight capacity. The larger, wider wheels of the off-road hoverboard mean that the board will be more stable on uneven surfaces and can travel with ease over a variety of surfaces, and the deep treads will allow your hoverboard to get a grip on loose soil.

Weight Capacity

Weight capacity can vary from a hoverboard to hoverboard. Generally, both classic and off-road hoverboards designed for adults have a capacity of at least 200 pounds, but sometimes this number can be higher—some heavy-duty off-road hoverboards with 10-inch wheels can hold upwards of 300 pounds.

The weight limit is not a hard and fast rule, but you should generally follow it to achieve maximum performance from your hoverboard. If the board has a maximum weight of 200 pounds, a 220 person could probably ride it with few problems, but it may not be able to reach the top speed stated, or the battery could run down more quickly. It’s also possible that over time, the materials of the hoverboard could begin to crack or break down. Riders should also be aware that the maximum weight includes anything the person carries or any attachments you are using with the hoverboard. For example, if you wear a 10-pound backpack while riding your hoverboard, don’t forget to add that weight to the total capacity.

If you’re purchasing a hoverboard for a young child, you should also be aware that boards typically have a minimum weight as well. A typical minimum weight for an off-road hoverboard can be around 40 pounds, but check the particular model you are interested in to be sure. If you try to use a hoverboard under the minimum weight, the board may not register someone trying to use it.

Does the Hoverboard Have any Kind of Waterproofing?

Many of the off-road hoverboards on our list state that they are water-resistant, so they could withstand a little bit of moisture, such as being ridden in very light rain. Generally, though, you should avoid riding your hoverboard in inclement weather or riding through wet terrains such as snow, mud, or swampy areas. If water seeps inside the hoverboard, it can cause damage to the motor or the battery. Always read your user manual to determine if the manufacturer has any specific instructions concerning waterproofing.

Is it UL2272 Certified?

You should check and ensure that your all-terrain hoverboard is UL2272 certified. What does this mean? It’s the latest safety standard that hoverboards have to meet.  You may have seen some news stories in the past about hoverboards catching fire. These days, there are more stringent safety standards for hoverboards to meet, so be sure that the board you ultimately choose meets the latest standards.

Previously, the safety standard to be met was UL1642 certification, which only checked on battery safety. The new safety standards check the battery, charger system, and electrical drive train system combinations. If the board is not UL2272 compliant, it doesn’t meet the current highest safety standards.

What are the Regulations in your Area?

Regulations for usage will depend on your municipality, state, or country, so check your local laws. For example, it is illegal to ride a hoverboard on the streets or sidewalks of New York City (including in parks), although it is legal outside the city limits as long as you are over the age of 16 and wearing a helmet. In contrast, in other states like Florida, it is legal to ride a hoverboard on roads where bicycles are permitted as long as you are 16 or older and wearing a helmet.

Most of the official rules refer to classic hoverboards used on sidewalks and roads. Off-road hoverboards, used in a wider variety of terrain, might vary from situation to situation. For example, it’s fine to use a hoverboard in the grass in your front yard, but if you want to take it on a recreational path, check and see if motorized vehicles are permitted on the path first.

Because off-road hoverboards are a relatively new mode of active transportation, there might be some situations where they fall in a grey zone where there are no rules one way or another about using one on a particular path. If you’ve got a specific trail in mind where you would like to use your off-road hoverboard but are not sure if it’s permitted, it’s best to contact your local city or state representative and ask.

Safety Guide

There are a few aspects of hoverboard safety to be aware of when preparing to purchase one. First, is the hoverboard itself safe to use, and secondly, how can you keep your body safe while riding one?

You may have seen some news stories in the past about hoverboards catching fire. These days, there are more stringent safety standards for hoverboards to meet, so be sure that the board you ultimately choose meets the latest standards. The certification you should look for is UL2272. Previously, the safety standard to be met was UL1642 certification, which only checked on battery safety. The new safety standards check the battery, charger system, and electrical drive train system combinations. If the board is not UL2272 compliant, it doesn’t meet the current highest safety standards.

Also, look at the materials used in the board’s construction, particularly because an all-terrain hoverboard will take a bit more of a beating than a classic hoverboard under less stress from traveling on paved surfaces. Look for models made of heavier-duty materials such as aluminum rather than plastic, which can crack under stress.

Read your instruction manual thoroughly once you’ve purchased the board before stepping on to it. Pay particularly close attention to the manufacturer’s guidelines around things like charging (not leaving the board to charge overnight, etc.) and follow any cautions regarding what the board is or is not capable of. For example, following this guideline is essential if the manufacturer does not recommend using the board on snow or ice because water could get into the system.

When it comes to personal safety, it’s very important that both kids and adults wear helmets on the off-road hoverboard. Falling can result in serious head or neck injuries. So not only should you make sure your kids wear a helmet whenever they use the hoverboard, but adults should also be aware and set a good example for kids if they want to have a go on the hoverboard. It’s also strongly recommended that children and adults wear elbow and knee pads when using a hoverboard, especially when you’re trying it out the first few times. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Hoverboards Safe?

Yes, hoverboards are safe – with the caveat that they are safe if you follow instructions for use in your manual and wear all the proper safety gear. While there have been stories in the news of hoverboards exploding while they charge, There are new safety regulations that it must meet.

Previously the safety standards only checked the battery, but the new regulations check the battery, charger system, and electrical drive train system combinations. Make sure the hoverboard you choose is UL2272 certified. Check out our Buyers Guide for more information.

It’s also essential to wear the proper safety gear when riding your hoverboard to reduce the chance of injury. Helmets are a must, and elbow and knee pads are strongly recommended.

Is There a Limit to How Often you can use the Hoverboard on Dirt or Gravel?

Not if it is a specially designed off-road hoverboard. Standard hoverboards are designed to be used on smooth, paved surfaces, so if you tried to use one of those regularly on dirt or gravel, it’s possible you could cause damage to the hoverboard.

On the other hand, off-road hoverboards are specially designed to be used on surfaces such as dirt, gravel, or grass. Their thick tires with treads and heavier duty motors allow them to easily handle rougher terrain. Just be conscious of how long your battery will last, so you don’t end up stranded far away from home!

Are Off-Road Hoverboards Compatible with the Go-Kart Attachment?

In short, yes, off-road hoverboards are generally compatible with go-kart attachments, but there are a couple of things to check for. First of all, make sure that the go-kart attachment you’re looking at works with the size of hoverboard you have.

For example, if you’ve got an off-road hoverboard with 10-inch wheels, you need to make sure you choose a go-kart attachment that will fit, as some of them are specifically sized for 6.5 inches or 8-inch hoverboards only. Secondly, be aware that most go-kart attachments have a front wheel that is a smooth, caster style only, so this wheel may have a hard time driving over rough or rocky terrain.

Xprit 8.5 All Teraain Off-Road Hoverbaord

Xprit 8.5” All Terrain Off-Road Hoverboard

It’s a great all-around option, with a dual 250-watt motor that gives you 500 total watts of power when you’re riding. The motor can achieve a top speed of 6 miles per hour and handle hills with an incline of 15 degrees.

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